this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union".
I thank thee, my Saviour, for having left the realms of bliss, the seat of glory, the bosom of thy Father, and for shedding thy blood for the sins of the world. I thank thee that, though rich with all the riches of heaven, thou didst become poor, that we, through thy poverty might become rich, with all spiritual and eternal riches. Amen.
this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union".
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Make me, O Christ, perfectly conformed to thy image. May I endeavour for the future, with the Holy Spirit's help, to walk with thee so closely, that men may take knowledge of me, as they did of Peter and John, that I have been with Jesus. When thinking, may I consider how my Saviour would have thought ; when speaking, how he would have spoken ; and when acting, how he would have acted, if placed in my situation. Amen.
this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". Give, me, O Christ Jesus, thy holy mind and heavenly disposition. Help me to follow closely in thy footsteps. Grant that I may resemble thee in thy love to God and man, thy diligence and zeal in thy Father's service, thy patience under
the bitterest trials, thy holiness and self-denial, thy meekness, gentleness, and humility. Amen. this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". O Christ, thou knowest that I am hourly engaged in a spiritual warfare, that I have to contend with my own sinful heart, and with Satan and the fallen angels. I desire to take thee as the Captain of my salvation, manfully to fight under thy banner against sin, the world, and the devil, and to continue thy faithful soldier and servant unto my life's end. Amen.
this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". Be thou, O Christ Jesus, my Shepherd, then I shall not want anything that is for my real good to receive. Make me to lie down in the green pastures of thy word and promises; lead me beside the still waters of consolation. Restore my soul,
and lead me in the paths of righteousness. Though I must one day walk through the valley of the shadow of death, may I fear no evil; be thou with me to cheer and sustain me; may thy rod and thy staff comfort me. Amen. this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". Christ Jesus, be thou my Master, and may I be thy willing servant. Grant that I may not serve the world, self, and Satan, but have grace to serve thee faithfully, fully and boldly all the days of my life. May I take an increasing delight in thy happy service. Incline thine ear to me and hear me. Amen.
this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". O thou great Physician of souls, I come to thee confessing my spiritual disease, telling thee that I am suffering from a malady that lies deep within, even the leprosy of sin in the soul. I know that thou hast all power at thy disposal, and art willing to heal me. Graciously come to my relief, and make me whole. Thou cast our none when thou wast upon earth, but healed all manner of diseases: I beseech thee to make me clean. Amen.
this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". O Christ, who art the true bread that cometh down from heaven, that God has given for the life and nourishment of the soul, come, I beseech thee, and feed me with thyself, thy love, thy fulness, and thy promises. I pray that my soul may feed upon thee hour, and be abundantly satisfied. I desire to come to thee, that I may never hunger, and believe in thee, that I may never thirst. Amen.
this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". I pray, O Christ Jesus, that I may be ashamed of sin, and the paths of wickedness, but never be ashamed of thee, and the gospel. Grant that the fear of man may never cause me, like Peter, to deny thee, and say I know thee not; and
when I come to stand hereafter before thy judgment-seat, may I then find that thou art not ashamed of me, but willing to own me thine before the assembled universe. Amen. this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". With the eye of faith may I see thee, O Christ, standing this day at the door of my heart, and knocking for an entrance. Grant that I may hear thy loving voice, open my heart, and gladly give thee admittance. May I dread thy departure from me, and the sins which wound thee. I seek thy company, and a closer acquaintence with thee. Amen.
this prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". |