This prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union".
Thank thee, heavenly Father, that on this joyful day, Christ rose again triumphant from the grave, having overcome death, and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers. May my soul not remain dead in trespasses and sins. quicken me, by thy Holy Spirit, to a new and spiritual existence. Raise me from the death of sin, unto a life of righteousness. I pray that I may rise with Christ above this world of sin and sorrow; seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God; and set my affections on things above, not on things on the earth, for Christ Jesus' sake. Amen.
This prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union".
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Almighty God, Who after thine only begotten Son had, by his life on earth and death upon the cross, wrought out our eternal redemption, didst please that he should enter the rest of the grave, I pray thee to grant that by his death my lusts and sins may be crucified and my heart quieted from all guilt. Grant that the old Adam in me may be buried, and the new man raised up in me. When my hour of departure shall come, may I fall asleep in Jesus, and my spirit enter into the paradise of God, for my Saviour's sake. Amen.
This prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". Thou God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, grant that I may this day behold my Saviour with the eye of penitence, faith, gratitude, and love. "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." May I think much of my Saviour's sufferings, of the atonement he made upon the cross, and of all he has done and suffered for us men, and for our salvation. His infinite merits are my only plea. Amen.
This prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". Heavenly Father, I pray that I may, especially at this time, reflect upon Christ's agony and bloody sweat, his cross and passion. Let the contemplation quicken my love to him, who endured so much for the souls of men. Grant that his love to me may draw forth my love, affection, and gratitude to him; and may I have grace to love him, who first loved me. I ask these mercies in his great name. Amen.
This prayer is from the book "Daily Prayer Union". |